IMG_1183The National Initiative for Civic Education (NICE) in Balaka District organized a meeting with Balaka based Media and Malawi Electoral Commission members, with an aim of mapping the way forward on how they are going to work hand in hand during the electoral period, as Malawi is expecting to have tripartite elections next year.

NICE said in order for the citizens to understand  how the tripartite elections will be conducted, there is a need for the journalist to play  a big role and work hand in hand with all the organisations that were accredited by the Malawi Electoral Commission(MEC) to educate the Malawians citizens.

District Civic Education Officer for Balaka, Henry Gwedeza said journalists are there to take part in educating what all is needed in the coming 2014 tripartite elections procedures.

“We want you to work hand in hand with us and as NICE our door is open for you journalists in order to have a beautiful come 2014 elections” said Gwedeza.

Representatives from Luntha TV, Zodiak Broadcasting Station, Radio Maria and Montfort media attended the meeting.

Voter registration process will start in Balaka District from 11th September to 24th of September in Balaka South, Balaka West and Balaka Central East constituencies.