Atupele Promises to Deliver Change

AtupePresidential candidate for the United Democratic front (UDF), Atupele Muluzi , son of former UDP leader Bakili Muluzi, has once again said it is his wish and that of UDF to change how the government operates in the country. Muluzi said this as he was visiting people in different areas in Mangochi rural areas on a three day tour, just after the revelations of about millions of Malawi Kwacha that have been syphoned out of the Capital Hill recently.

He added that he has four guiding angles that he is focusing on when he will be elected president come next year’s tripartite elections.

Speaking on how the current Peoples Party government is operating, Atupele said, “With the recent developments Malawians have lost confidence in it because it has shown that it is a government led by greedy politicians.”

Atupele added that he is ready to deal with greedy politicians because many politicians only think about themselves not the people who put them in power.

According to him, the UDF is focusing on making sure that there will be social cash transfer for those who are economically dependent like the elderly and those with disabilities.

Furthermore, the party is focusing on making sure that there will be easy access to safe water and health services in the rural areas.Atupe