TB Care II, an organization that provides medical care and other services to Tuberculosis patients recently conducted a workshop with some of teachers who voluntarily declared their HIV status in Balata district.
The workshop aimed at sensitizing people who are living with the virus on how they can avoid contracting TB as they are vulnerable to contract TB.
The participants came from all Education zones of Balaka district that formed an association, which they called “Teachers Living Positive (TILIPO)”
According to Balaka District TB officer, Nomore Nkhoma, in the last three months about 60% of patients who were diagnosed with TB were found to be HIV Positive, and 95 % of them got cured. About hundred new TB cases are registered at Balaka Hospital every month.
TB Care II’s Chief of Party, Dr. Limbani Kanyenda told Luntha television that they decided to work with the teachers as they are on the grassroots and can easily convey messages to the masses.
Guest of honour at the function, the Balaka District Education Manager, Mr Valentino Zimpita, thanked the organization for showing interest in helping TB patients, particularly the teachers.
He urged the teachers living with HIV to continue taking medication and refrain from immoral acts.
TB Care II started its work in Malawi in 2011 and works hand in hand with The TB Control Program. So far it has acquired 27 high technology microscopes for testing TB and also bought TB treatment drugs from Zimbabwe and Tanzania when there was a shortage of drug crisis in Malawi.