Malawi Electoral Commission has today the 22 of May engaged with election monitors including journalists regarding on issues which were raised due to official results .
It’s now the second day since elections started on May 21st 2019.
Despite the smooth conduction of the process there are some issues which have been raised concerning the way the process of elections is going on

The issue which has brought much fire is the balancing of the results sheets which is making the results fail to reach the main tally centre at COMESA Hall in Blantyre.
The election process was scheduled to be sending results after an approval from all the international observers and local monitors who have been deployed to witness the voting and counting process so that they should ensure transparency.

One of the centers which was affected by the challenge it was Chimutu primary school where presiding officers were sent back to re-write their papers.
Chimutu primary school which is the tally centre in Lilongwe city center, was filled with surprised faces and hearts of questions, when the ones who were supposed to send the results announced that the results cannot be sent because of the way they have been arranged.
One of the presiding officers at the centre in an interview said that the requirements which they are giving them could make other people to be suspicious since monitors have left and there is a possibility that the other sheets they have been told to sign can be without their signatures.
‘’Some of the local monitors are gone and they have already gotten the results, so what is going to happen if the program of re-writing affects the results’’ he said.
But Make chairperson Dr. Jane Ansah at a press conference which Malawi electoral Commission organized to answer some of the issues raised, stressed the fears of people that MEC is following their procedures and they will stick to that to make things proceed in a chronological order.
Ansah advised journalists to stick to the truth not lies which she cited the social media as the source.
Jean Ansah added that there is a complaint space which has been given to all Malawians to make their ideas held by the Commission and people should consider that as a transparent term not making complaints to the journalists.
Some of the issues which were raised were issues of transportation, the focus on unofficial results and the use of incredible sources to get information.

Reporter: Herbert Katanda