The archbishop of Blantyre Archdiocese, Most Rev. Thomas Luke Msusa, has called on religious men and women to take part in condemning inhuman acts happening in Malawi. This has come at a time when the lives of people living with albinism have come under serious threat due to superstitious acts.
His Grace Thomas Msusa took advantage of the occasion of the final professions of three nuns of the congregation of Our Lady at Stella Maris, on 11 June 2016, to lament the rising of the inhuman acts the society. Saying that each and every day people are called to serve the Lord like priest, sisters and brothers, he asked for a strong unity among those

who are consecrated without waiting for the bishops alone to stand up against the evil.
“Each and every day we are there, and we are increasing in number. However evil acts are just too many in our society. Please my brothers and sisters don’t just wait for the us to condemn these acts. Don’t just wait for the bishops to write pastoral letters, no. We should all come together and with one voice speak vehemently against these abductions and killings of people with albinism,” said Archbishop Msusa.
Most Rev. Thomas Msusa also condemned people who are terrorizing the society by abducting and killing people with albinism when he conducted a mass at Chisombezi in Nguludi.